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The Landed Cost module covers import costing and deferred GST but is not restricted to foreign purchases of stock. It can also be applied to purchasing stock locally where additional costs are incurred and are to added to the cost of inventory e.g. buying stock from another state and incurring transport and insurance costs.

The main functions of the module are to:

Following are the various sections for this module.

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Landed Cost Workflow

System Settings

Cost Type Configuration

Defining The Forms


Purchase Order


Value Of Taxable Import

Import Costs

Shipment Lines

Stock Booked In

Custom Fields

Shipment BookIn



Using Landed Cost

Create Shipment

Attaching Purchase Order(s)

Non Ordered Items

Delete Orders or Lines

Import Costs

Add Remove Purchase Orders

Add Remove Lines

Invoice Costs

Reverse Import Costs

Commit for Booking In

Book In Stock

Serialised / Bin Location

More Or Less


Multiple Invoices

Forward Cover

Value of Taxable Import

Finalise Shipment

Journal Entries

BookIn of Stock

Invoicing Imports Costs

Value of Taxable Import (VOTI)

Revaluation of Inventory

Shipment Invoices

Landed Cost Reports

LCAUD010 - Shipment Import Clearing Reconcilliation

LCINF001 - Shipment Cost Detail Report

LCINF005 - Shipment Invoice By Status

LCINF007 - Shipment Costs By Status

LCINF009 - BookIn Cost by Status

LCINF020 - Inventory Booked In But Not Invoiced

MNT42103 -BookIn Slip

MNT42001 - Shipment Slip