You are here: Purchasing > Landed Cost > Using Landed Cost > Book In Stock

Book In Stock

Once a shipment has been Committed for Booking In, one or more booking in forms can be created for the shipment. The booking in step inserts stock into the Jiwa inventory system when activated making it available for sale and delivery.  Non-ordered inventory and non-inventory items can also be booked in.  Stock is booked in the following cost:


1. Purchasing Landed Cost Shipment Bookin New
2. Select the applicable Shipment number from the search window that is automatically displayed.  If the shipment number does not display, the status of the form is either:
  • Entered – commit the shipment for Book In; or
  • Closed – unavailable for book in.  Create a new shipment form
3. Lines from the Shipment are populated into the grid
4. Receipt in stock by either:
  • Clicking 'Book in all Outstanding';
  • Manually typing in each quantity;
  • Double right mouse click over Quantity Outstanding';or
  • Using the Scan box to receipt
5. Enter in serial numbers/bin locations where needed
6. Save
7. Activate when complete

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Serialised / Bin Location

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