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Import Costs

Costs can be recorded against a creditor or a General Ledger account.  When the line displays in red, it is yet to be apportioned

Costs can be added, apportioned and invoiced at any time until the shipment is FinalisedOnce all stock has been booked in, import costs apportioned and invoiced, VOTI invoice activated and the inventory creditor(s) invoiced, the shipment can be closed by selected 'Finalise Shipment' in the ribbon/tooolar. The shipment no longer appears in the Book In screen for selection. It is now completely locked.. Costs can be from a creditor or can be attached to a General Ledger code only e.g. cost recovery.

Costs are apportioned to physical inventory items only and are apportioned by Cost, Quantity, Weight or Cubic. Where multiple purchase orders are attached to a shipment, costs can be apportioned to all orders or selected orders only. Individual lines can be excluded from the apportionment of import costs.

If import costs are not known at time of booking in stock, then an estimate can be made and apportioned and changed until costs are finalised and invoiced.


1. Select the Creditor from the search windows or select a General Ledger account code
2. Change the Cost Type from the default by selecting from the search window
3. Type in the cost amount
4. Change tax rate if applicable
5. Select the purchase orders(s) from the drop down list
6. Tick the Apportioned box
7. Enter invoice number/reference number
8. Change invoice and due date if needed
9. Repeat steps 1 to 9
10. Save


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