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Search windows are used for both data entry and enquiry.  On most entry screens, certain fields require data selection from a search window. eg. If the user is entering a new sales order, a customer must be selected from the debtor search window that is automatically displayed on selecting New. If making an enquiry, a specific purchase order for example can be recalled through the search window by a number of different filters including order number or client name .

A search window is used:


Every search window displays records by the last used search pattern.  Each search window has a drop down list to change the order of search in the Select a query ... box. This selected option will then be the order of that specific data when the search window is next activated.

Select the order option and the refreshed, resorted data will be displayed

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Defining Search Ribbon

Ribbon or Toolbar

How To Search

Using Filters

Applying Filters

Creating New Filters

Editing Filters

Deleting Filters

Other Search Options

Quantity in Search

SSC Matrix