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Defining search window ribbon / toolbar

The ribbon icons within each search window are standard for every search, although whether the icon is active depends on the purpose of the search.  E.g.  pin to current list and remove from current list icons are only active when adding inventory items to a sales order.

The functions of the icons are grouped according to the function they use used for:

Select and use current record(s)
Cancel the search operation
Search Type
Matches records starting from the data keyed in the Match field
Matches only those records starting with the data keyed in the Match field
Matches records containing the data keyed in the Match field
Sort Order
Sorts the data in ascending order in the selected pattern order
Sorts the data in descending order in the selected pattern order
Pin / Unpin
Pin - adds the selected record to the current list. This icon is only enabled when multiple records can be selected in the search window - e.g. selecting part numbers to be added to a sales order or quote
Remove the selected record from current list - e.g. adding inventory items to a sales order or credit note.
Sort Order - Select from the drop down list to change the order the data is displayed in
Filter - select from the drop down list to restrict the range of data being displayed. See How To create filters
Filter - opens the Filter window to allow creation, editing and deleting of filters
SQL - opens the SQL Query window so you can see the current SQL statement and filter detail that is controlling the current display of data
User Settings - controls whether data is returned to the grid when loading the search window. This option is stored per user for every search window in the database

Scroll Bars - arrows in the scroll bar allow quick or slow moving throug the search results returned to the grid
Moves to the First record in the results set
Moves the results set up one screen at a time
Moves the results up one line at a time
Moves the results down one line at a time
Moves the results set down one screen at a time
Moves to the Last record in the results set


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