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how to search

Every search window displays records by the last used search pattern.  Each search window has a drop down list to change the order of search. This selected option will then be the order of that specific data when the search window is next activated. Select the order option and the refreshed, resorted data will be displayed.

The power of using a search window is in making full use of the criteria. A grid in the search window enables complex search criteria to filter record selection. Multiple criteria can be inserted and toggling between & and 0 indicator will switch the search between ‘and’ and ‘or’. These in conjunction with the search provides a powerful searching tool.


1. Load Inventory Maintenance
2. Click or F3 to load the search window
3. Select 'Description' as the sort order
4. Select as the search type
5. Type in 'video' in the first line in the blank grid under the column heading Description
6. Type in 'card' in the second line under the column heading Description
7. Point and click on '&' in line 2 and it changes to 'O'
8. Data returned changes as the criteria and the 'and' 'or' operators change
9. To remove a criteria simply delete the text in the relevant line
10. Select your record and click to execute the search window

 There is no limit to the criteria that can be entered into the criteria grid

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