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purchases & adjustments

With the exception of cheque payments, all the creditor sourced transactions are exactly the same except for the form title and the field heading for the line reference number. Data entry for all transactions is the same and Goods and Services Tax (GST) is applicable to all local creditor transactions except payments for creditors. These forms should only be used to record non-inventory purchases and adjustments (e.g. telephone services, leases, power and energy). Purchase invoices and landed cost invoices are used to update creditors for inventory purchases.

All creditor transactions provide the facility to create:

Data entry for a specific creditor can be loaded from Creditors Maintenance Transaction tab

The transaction buttons on the creditors maintenance transactions tab are active providing the record is not in edit mode, then the buttons are unavailable.

Refer to Data Entry Form Defined for more detailed information on each field in the form.



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Data Entry Form Defined


Data Grid Lines

GST on Creditor Transactions

Purchases and Adjustments

Quick Steps


Debit Adjustments

Dispersing a Creditor Transaction

Rules and Error Messages

Credit Adjustments

Activating CreditorAdjustments


Cheque Payments

System settings

Cheque Payment Form Defined

Rules And Error Messages

New Cheque Payment

Other Payments

Adjusting Creditor Accounts

Debit and Credit Adjustments

Activating Payments, Debits and Credits

Creditor FX Transactions




Allocating Payments, Discounts and Credits

Quick Steps

Changing Allocations



FX Creditor Allocations