You are here: Creditors > Purchases, Payments & Adjustments > Payments > Other Payments

Other Payments 

Both creditor and non creditor payments can be entered in this data input form.  Cheque details are not recorded, unless manually notated in the Reference or Remark field.

Payments for non creditors include GST. The transaction amount entered includes the GST component – i.e. GST Inclusive value. The dispersed amount automatically displays the transaction amount. The GST rate and GST amount are displayed based on the GST code and the dispersed amount.

Once the form has been activated, the payments need to be allocated in the individual creditor records to the corresponding debit entries.

Creditors payments can also be recorded via the Cashbook, Payments form.  The amounts are allocated once the form is closed.


1. Create a new payments form
2. Select the type of transaction and type in transaction description
3. Select creditor account and required ledger account
4. Type in remittance number, amount and reference details
5. save and activate the form
6. Allocate the creditor payments in the transaction form tab of the creditor record

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