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Creditor CREDIT Adjustments 

Credit Adjustments are made to apply credits to the account e.g. write off amounts outstanding.

The transaction remains open and available for full editing until the form is activated.   The form is then notated as Closed and creditor transaction details and general ledger accounts are updated.

The credit adjustments then need to be allocated manually at the creditor transaction screen. 

(ReferAllocating Payments and Credits )



Creditors   Payments Credit Adjustment




Batch No, Type, User, Description – enter or select the details

 (Refer: Data Entry, Creditor Form Details) 


Auto Activate – select if required

Group Journals – select if required 



Creditor Ledger  - linked ledger account from the creditor record.  Select another account from the search window if required


Account, Date, Credit No, Trans Amount - enter or select the details

 (Refer: Data Entry, Creditor Form Details) 


Ledger No - for the transaction dispersal


GST Details – for this line. Can be changed from the search window


Dispersed Amount - for this line of the transaction.  Multiple dispersals can be entered for the one creditor amount


Reference - reasons for the transaction

Remark - additional information on the transaction


Allocated Amount- update when the credit note or journal is allocated in the creditor transaction allocations screen


Repeat for additional data lines and Save the credit note.


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Activating CreditorAdjustments