You are here: Creditors > Purchases, Payments & Adjustments > Templates > AutoTransactions

Auto Transactions 

Creditor templates are activated and posted to the General Ledger by the Automatic Transactions process.  Creating a new record selects templates due for posting on or before the current system date and once saved, creates new creditor forms and journals posting to the ledger.

The Automatic Transaction function does not create all the required forms on the one batch where 2 or more dates have been missed for a template - e.g. template set to run weekly and 3 weeks have passed since the last Automatic Transaction process was run.  A new Creditor Automatic Transaction form will need to be created for each missed period.



Creditors Automatic Transactions


Create a new record


The templates to be run on or before the system date are displayed on the screen.  Drill down is available from the field Source Batch to view and change the posting if required


Delete transactions not required by clicking the on the relevant lines.


Click Save to save the transaction form

New creditor forms are created.  The Dest. Batch field is updated with the batch number and journals are automatically posted to the General Ledger.  Drill down to the new batches is available from the field Dest. Batch. 

The Next Posting date on the template is updated to the next due posting date.


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