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GST on Creditor Transactions 

Goods and Services Tax (GST) is applicable in all local creditor transactions  except payments for creditors. The transaction amount for non creditor payments DOES include the GST component. The default GST rates for Purchases are set up and maintained in the Tax Maintenance form - GST Outwards tab.

The GST rates are entered and maintained in the System Tax Tax Configuration form and the default rate is automatically applied in the creditor transaction forms as follows. The GST rate can be overwritten on the transaction forms if required.

Creditor Transaction Default GST Rate
Purchases GST Outwards
Debit Adjustments GST Adjustments Outwards
Cheque Payments (on Discounts Taken Only) GST Adjustments Outwards
Payments (Non Creditors) GST Outwards
Credit Adjustments GST Adjustments Outwards


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