You are here: Purchasing > Purchase Orders > Overview


Purchase orders record all transactions for goods placed with suppliers or on another warehouse.  Orders are entered by unique creditor number (or warehouse) and line details by unique part numbers.  Custom order lines can be entered for non-inventory items.  Committing the order updates  inventory records with the purchase order details and creditor records Activities tab - Unprocessed (saved but not committed) and Processed Order Tabs with details of the purchase order.

The inventory system contains information required by purchase orders for: -

Purchase Orders can be created :


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Purchase Order Quick Steps


Non-Inventory Items

Comment Lines


Copy a Purchase Order

Back to Back

Automatic Back to Back

Manual Back to Back

Purchase Order Generation

On Another Warehouse

Changing A Purchase Order

Entered Not Sent Or Committed but not yet Received Against

Committed (Sent / Ready To Send) And Received Against

Committing a Purchase Order