You are here: Purchasing > Purchase Orders > Creating/Changing New Purchase Orders > Manual


A manual purchase order is used when:

The creditor and inventory record should exist before creating a new purchase order.  In Jiwa you can open other sections of the program and create required creditor accounts and inventory items on the fly providing you have the necessary access permissions


1. Purchasing Purchase Orders Normal Orders
2. New Record and select supplier from the Creditor search window
3. Type in or select part numbers from the search window
4. Change criteria in the Purchase Order Re-Order Method box if needed
5. Various messages may appear as follows:
  If an obsolete or slow moving part number is selected, a message displays:

    “ This item is obsolete/slow moving .  Are you sure you wish to use it?”

  If an item is already on order, a message displays:

    “ This item is already on order. Are you sure you wish to use it?”

6. Answer as required
7. Where multiple warehouses exist for the supplier a search window displays. Select relevant warehouse

8. If the creditor selected is not the default supplier for the item of stock OR this stock has not been ordered from this supplier before, a message will appear:

     “This item has not been ordered from this supplier before!  Do you still want to use this item?”. Yes or No to continue

9. If continuing with the order, another message appears:

 “ Do you want to set this supplier as the default supplier for this item?”

Yes - changes the inventory record to set the default to this supplier on the saving of the Purchase Order
No - to leave the default supplier as set in the inventory record
10. Complete and save the purchase order



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