You are here: Contact Overview


The Contacts in Jiwa are used to record and keep track of prospects and could for example be used for promotions, mail outs or labels as well as targets for mailout nad promotional campaigns.

There is a facility for a web Logon Code and Password. New debtor and creditor records automatically create a record in the Contacts module.  Records can exist in the Contacts system without there being a corresponding debtor or creditor record.  A Contact record can be used at any time to create a debtor and/or a creditor record.

Where matching Debtor and Contacts records exists, making changes in one will automatically update the corresponding record provided Synchronise with Debtor and/or Creditor is ticked. The search facility in Contacts provides the ability to search on company name or first or surname of the contacts. 

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Contact Positions

To-Do Types

Note Types

Document Types

Form Definition


As Debtor

As Creditor




Creating a New Contact

Making a Contact a Debtor

Making A Contact a Creditor

Deleting a Contact


CNINF010 - Contact Maintenance Listing

MNT90001 - Contact Maintenance