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Sales orders are used to record all orders placed and credit notes raised with the company for goods and services.  Orders and credit notes are entered by a unique debtor number and items being ordered or credited are selected by a unique part number.  Custom lines are available to enter order lines for non inventory items and text lines for additional descriptions and instructions.  

Where applicable, stock is temporarily allocated from stock on hand as each inventory order line is entered.  Items out of stock are placed on back order unless the item is unavailable for re-ordering.  Stock can also be forced onto back order to maintain stock levels or reserve stock for selected clients.  As the sales order is being saved, stock levels are checked again to ensure availability (another order may have be saved in the interim) and the stock on hand figures are updated.

Depending on system settings, sales orders can be entered as:

System settings determine whether the order is automatically printed on saving or at a later time.  Provided at least one item of stock can be supplied at the time of printing, the notation Printed appears in the top right corner of the screen.  The inventory levels in the stock on hand are updated immediately.

Sales orders can also be raised for a Job Costing invoice and Service Manager labour and materials.

When a sales order is processed, the General Ledger and Debtor record is updated accordingly.


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Types of Sales Orders

Order Types

Billing Options

Credit Issues

Back Orders


Multi Warehouses

Reducing Deliveries