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Back order records are created where:

The back order mode is set to the default value in DefaultBOMode in Invoicing.  There are two options:

The back order records are created depending on the Billing type of the sales order:

As stock items required to fill back orders become available, the Process Back Orders run will fill or partially fill outstanding sales orders based on the First In First Out method of stock control, unless the priority for allocation has been changed manually by a user.

A copy of the order, known as a snapshot, is automatically created as outstanding orders are being filled and records the details of stock delivered with that snapshot delivery version of the order.

Sales Orders with a back order mode of Manual and a status of Processed are filled by creating a new snapshot.  A quantity greater than the back ordered amount cannot be entered. Where insufficient stock is available, the quantity entered will be adjusted back to the available amount.

Inventory stock on hand levels are updated immediately.  Process Sales Orders has to be run to update the general ledger, sales figures and debtor details.  The orders created from the back order run can be automatically printed at that point or on demand depending on system settings.

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