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Navigating Around Jiwa 

Jiwa has made full use of the windows graphic interface and sets a new standard for business management presentation.  All modules are integrated to allow for real-time processing.  All screens have the same look and feel as well as the same function keystrokes.

Function keys are customisable per user. This Topic will only discuss the standard function keys that ship with JIWA

Image Description
Minimise button to reduce the window to an icon
  Restore button to restore the window size
  Close button to shut down the window
Tabs As you open a form or a report it displays as the Tab at the top of the screen. The active tab is the one with a white background. Point and click to move between Tabs. Click the X to close a Tab. There is no limit to the number of Tabs you can have open in a session

Dialogue Boxes When a dialogue box is open, you cannot do anything else until executing one of the buttons on the bottom of the form closes the dialogue box.  The default button is the one with the thick black line around it.  Press [ENTER] to activate the button.

Search Windows - are loaded by clicking this icon in the ribbon / toolbar or pressing F3. An open search window does not allow you to do anything else in Jiwa until clicking one of the buttons on the toolbar to close the window
The Tab key can be used to move the cursor to the next field in the JIWA 7 forms
Shift Tab Pressing Tab while holding down the Shift key returns the cursor to the previous field
Down Arrow Use this key to:
  • In a text field, moves the cursor to the left
  • In a numeric field, selects the field
  • In a field with a Search window attached, typing in a number and pressing the down arrow  activates the search window
Up Arrow Use this key to:
  • In a text field, moves the cursor to the right
  • In a numeric field, selects the field
  • In a field within a search window attached, typing in a number and pressing the up arrow activates the search window
The Enter key does a number of things:
  • In a data entry form, operates exactly the same as the Tab - moves from field to field.
  • In a dialogue box, executes the button with the black line around it
Field Up Arrow

Pressing the [Space bar] key activates the search window attached to this field

Field Down Arrow

Clicking with the mouse or pressing [Enter] activates the list box attached to this field

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