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Supplier Return shipping

The Return Shipment form is an optional step. It can based on a Supplier Return Request or created from scratch or a combination of both. The form is created in the warehouse where the stock exists. For return codes other than Tracking codes, stock must exist for it to be added to the Shipment. It’s not required that it be the stock that has been received from the creditor the Shipment is being created for.

Attaching a Return Request to the Shipment form populates the lines from that Request into the grid with all the details from that Request. Physical inventory items can also be added from a purchase order by clicking Add from PO or manually selected / entered in the grid. A dialog box for stock line selection is automatically displayed when Qty Requested is entered. Stock is taken at this point and transferred by a Warehouse Transfers Outwards form when the Shipment is activated. Once activated, the form is disabled and further changes are not permitted.

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