Manual Back Orders 

Sales Orders with a back order mode Manual and a status of Processed are filled by creating a new snapshot. Once created, the field This Del is enabled and details can be entered.  A quantity greater than the back ordered amount cannot be entered.  Where insufficient stock is available, the quantity entered will be adjusted back to the available amount.  Where serialised stock is being delivered, the serial number dialogue box is displayed for selection.

The saved details of the order are updated with the version details.  Selecting the snapshot version refreshes the screen with the data line details for that version of the order.

Inventory stock on hand levels are updated immediately, however Process Sales Orders has to be run to update the general ledger, sales figures and debtor details.



Sales Order Entry Sales Order Entry and select sales order from search window


Create a new snapshot by either:

  • Record, New, New Snapshot; or
  • Shift + Ctrl + F2; or
  • click New Snapshot icon 


Message displays "Is this snapshot to fulfil backorders?" 


Click Yes and This Del. and Back Ordered columns are enabled


Type in quantity to be delivered

 Quantity greater than the back ordered cannot be entered.  The value is adjusted back to what can be delivered


Save changes


Print and process the sales order as required


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