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Printing, Emailing and E-Fax

The reports that are available for printing, emailing and e-faxing of sales orders, picking slips and delivery notes are setup in the File Printer Setup menu option of sales orders. Printing of sales orders can be done from: 

Sales order are updated with the status of Printed and EmailedClicking either status loads a dialog box detailing what was printed or emailed by whom and when that was done.

Setting Up the Reports

System Settings

Setting Up Permissions

Printing from Sales Orders

Reprinting from Sales Orders

Emailing and E-Fax

Batch Printing or Emailing

Copyright © 2012 Jiwa Financials. All rights reserved.

Setting up Reports

System Settings

Setting Permissions


Printing from Sales Orders

Reprinting from Sales Orders

Printing from Process Orders

Printing from Process Back Orders

Emailing and E-Fax

Setup for Email & Efax

Standard Email Text

Using Email and E-Fax

Invoice Batch Print Email


Print Filters

Print Settings

Email Template

Using Invoice Batch Printing Emailing