You are here: Sales > Printing, Emailing and E-Fax > Printing from Process Orders

Printing from Process Orders

Process Orders can be run from the menu or from the sales order screen.  The screen is exactly the same in both instances. Print options are stored by user and pre-set when the form is loaded.  A processing report can be printed that details all sales orders processed in that run.  This report can be reprinted from the Sales Order Reports menu – Sales Order Processing Report.

There are three options against Sales Order Printing


From the Menu


Sales Order Entry  Processing  Process Orders


Select Process Options including print options as required


Set ranges and click Go


Click Process

Sales orders are processed and reports printed.  The status bar on the form displays the invoice number that is currently being printed.  .  The sales orders are updated with the status of Printed

From the sales order screen


Sales Order Entry  Sales Order Entry


Create and save a new sales order OR load the sales order to be processed


RecordProcess or Ctrl +F5


Change printing options if required and click Process.  The sales orders are updated with the status of Printed and Closed if complete and Processed if back orders exist

  No other options can be changed in the form when run from the sales order screen

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