You are here: Purchasing > Purchase Invoices > Purchase Invoice Reports > CRTRN011 - Creditor Purchase and Shipments

CRTRN011 - Creditor Purchase and Shipments

Description: This report displays purchase invoices, creditor purchases and shipment invoices, including import cost invoices posted to the Creditors for a selected period and can be in detail (displaying part number information) or summary mode.

Report Criteria Enter Required Values
Select Sub Type All, Purchase Invoice; Shipment Invoices; Creditor Purchase; Shipment Import Cost
Select Sort Order Transaction Date; Invoice Remittance No; Creditor Account No.; Creditor Name; Creditor Classification
Select Starting and Ending Creditor Classification Defaults to first and last classification in the database
Select Starting and Ending Account No Defaults to the first and last supplier account number
Select Starting and Ending Transaction Date Defaults to the login date, change as required

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