You are here: Purchasing > Goods Received Notes > Creating GRN's > Inventory Items

Inventory Items  

Purchase orders with a status of Sent appear in the Order No search window for selection. Saving the GRN updates the Purchase Order with the GRN reference details and date.


1. Purchasing Goods Received Note
2. Click New
3. Select supplier from the search window
4. Select the purchase order being received in from the Order No. search window. All lines on the purchase order are populated into the grid
5. Record the quantities being ordered by:
  • Click Receive All Outstanding in the ribbon; or
  • Right mouse click Qty Expected; or
  • Type in the This Del Quantity field
6. Enter in serial number details
7. Adjust prices if required
8. Enter in line Freight, Duty and Insurance if needed
9. Add any non ordered items
9. Complete Total Freight, Duty and Insurance as required
10. Enter in the Slip No. (required) and Reference (optional) field
11. Save and Activate

  The SOH > Transactions tab of Inventory is updated for physical inventory items. Drill down is available from the Reference field

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Non Ordered Inventory Items