You are here: Sales > Defining Sales Orders > Totals


Details in this tab are updated when a sales order and a snapshot of a sales order is saved or edited.  History Total is the Inc GST value of goods delivered on each snapshot INCLUDING courier and freight charges.  Payments entered into the Payments tab of the sales order display the total payment in this tab.

Field Description
History Snapshot history.  New snapshots are created either by Process Back Orders (where the Back Order mode is automatic) or manually by selecting New Snapshot
History Total Total GST inclusive value of goods and services delivered on each snapshot
Total Payment Payments entered on each snapshot in the Payments tab of the sales order
Consignment Note No. Can be manually entered or updated via plugin code
Date Created The date the sales order snapshot was created
Date Last Saved Date the snapshot was last saved
Date Posted Invoice date of the sales order and is updated according to the Invoicing system setting PostingDateType
Date Processed The date the snapshot was processed

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