You are here: Sales > Defining Sales Orders > Payments


Payments can be entered into the Payments tab on every unprocessed snapshot of the sales order.  Where the Process flag is ticked, Process Sales Orders creates or appends to a Cash Receipts batch for that day.  The payment amount is automatically allocated to the invoice being paid in that batch.  Where the Process flag is not ticked, the payment just stays on the sales order and is not posted to a Cash Receipts batch.

Credit Card

Field Description
Payment Type Select from list box.  Options are set up in Maintain Payment Types form.  Entries with the Pay Type of Credit Card appear for selection in this box.  All other Pay Types appear in the Other list box
Snapshot Prompts to the current snapshot.  Payments can be entered against any unprocessed snapshot
Date Populated with current login date.  Can be edited
Remark Description or reference for the payment being recorded
Amount Payment amount being recorded
Authorisation Select from the drop down list box.  Options are
  • None required
  • Pending
  • Authorised
  • Declined
Auth. Number Verification number provided by the credit card merchant
Process Box must be ticked for the payment to be processed when the sales order is processed.  If left unticked the payment will be ignored
Processed Updated when the sales order snapshot is processed by Process Orders and the Process tick box was ticked when the form was processed
Card holder Name on the credit card
Card Expiry Expiry date on the card and is entered in month year format i.e. 02/07
Card Number Number on the credit car.  Details can be entered with or without spaces


Field Description
Payment Type Select from the drop down list box.  Options are maintained in the Maintain Payment Types form under Debtors Control Maintenance
Snapshot Prompts to the current snapshot.  Payments can be entered against any unprocessed snapshot
Date Populated with current login date.  Can be edited
Remark Description or reference for the payment being recorded
Amount Payment amount being recorded
Process Box must be ticked for the payment to be processed when the sales order is processed.  If left unticked the payment will be ignored
Processed Updated when the sales order snapshot is processed by Process Orders and the Process tick box was ticked when the form was processed
Bank Name;
Account Name
Bank details populated from the Financial tab of the debtor record.  Can be edited.  Any changes made here DO NOT update the debtor record.

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