You are here: Debtors > Data Entry Overview


Access to data entry forms to effect adjustments and transactions on debtor accounts can be accessed from:

Debtor invoices provide the facility to create:

An invoice form is automatically created and posted when the Recurring Invoices process is run. Frequency instructions can be set to repeat in the template based on days or months, with first and last posting dates set.

Data entry for a specific debtor can be accessed from Debtors Maintenance Transaction tab for data entry specific to the active debtor. The transaction buttons are active providing the record is not in edit mode. When in edit mode the buttons are unavailable.

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Data Entry Forms Defined

Invoices - Header

Invoices - Grid

Adjustments - Header

Adjustments - Grid

Creating Invoices & Adjustments

Quick Steps


Dispersing Invoices


Templates / Recurring Invoices

Defining Recurring Invoice Form

Creating New Template

Recurring Invoices

Allocating Receipts & Credits

Allocations of Receipts and Credits

Bulk Debtor Allocations

Auto Allocate

Changing Allocations