You are here: Debtors > Invoices & Adjustments > Creating Invoices & Adjustments > create invoices

create invoices


The Ledger account is populated from the debtor record from Debtor Sourced Invoice field. The GST Rate updated into the grid is the default rate from GST Adjustments Outwards record. The form will not activate without Invoice numbers for all transactions. Date is populated with the current login date as debtors are added to the grid. Change as needed but all lines must be within the same General Ledger period.


1. Debtors  Transactions Invoices
2. Click New
3. Select a debtor from the search window or type in the account number

Auto Repeat Account tick box when ticked automatically populates the previous debtor into the grid when the Debtor search arrow is clicked in a new line

4. Change Date if needed
5. Type in the Invoice No.
6. Enter the Trans Amount
7. Disperse the transaction as needed
8. Repeat steps 3 to 7 as needed
9. Save changes. Activate when complete

Tick the Auto Activate box in the header to activate the form on save

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Dispersing Invoices