You are here: Cashbook > Cash Book Receipts > Defining Cash Book Receipts Form

defining cash book receipts form

Fields have been incorporated into the Cash Book receipts form to facility Foreign Exchange for Debtors in a future release. Data is populated into these fields at an exchange rate of 1.000000 and cannot be changed.


Field Description
Batch No. Automatically created on saving.  Numbering is controlled by the form System Numbers CashBookDebit
User User who created or last edited the batch. This field is automatically updated and is not editable
Description Manually enter in description of the batch. The field is not mandatory
Bank Ledger Select bank account from the search window.  Only ledger accounts with Classification set to Bank are displayed or accessible from this search window
Date Created Automatically updated with login date and can be changed until the form is activated
Group Journals Controls the postings of the journal to the accounts under the heading Ledger Account.   When ticked, groups the lines by account.  When un-ticked separate postings are created for each transaction

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Receipts Grid

Receipts Totals


