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Printing Reports 

All report printing in Jiwa follows a similar format.  The origin of the report will determine whether reports are sent to either:

Screen reports of current records on the screen - eg inventory part number, automatically display on the screen.  Processing reports are directed to the printer - eg Process Sales Order, and menu reports have the option of being directed to either the screen or the printer - eg Debtors Aged Balances.

If the report is directed to the screen, additional icons are available to zoom the report, direct the report to the printer and into export formats.

Directs the report to the selected printer.  A standard windows print screen appears showing Printer details, Print Range, number of CopiesCancel returns to the preview screen

Refreshes the data

Exports the report in a file format selected from a list box to a path and filename selected and entered into a standard Windows Save As dialogue box by the operator.



The Email dialogue box is then displayed to address the report


The report is sent as an attached with the file saved as the Jiwa report filename with the selected file format as the extension

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