You are here: Using Jiwa > Customising Forms > Use Custom Tabs

manage Tabs

The option Use Custom Tabs must be ticked in a form for the changes being made to be retained. Tabs can be hidden, renamed and moved to a different location.


1. Select the required form and tab - e.g. Inventory > Orders > On Back Order
2. Right mouse click the Tab heading and click Use Custom Tabs
3. Right mouse click the Tab heading again and click the required option:
  • Hide Tab - to make the tab invisible
  • Rename Tab - to change the name on the tab
  • Reset Tab to Defaults - reset the selected tab for that form to the default option
  • Reset All Tabs to Defaults - resets all the tabs on the form back to the default options
4. To move a tab, do the following
  • ensure Use Custom Tabs is ticked
  • 'drag and drop' the tab to the desired location - red arrows top and bottom on the tab appear as you are moving the tab. These disappears when you release the mouse

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