You are here: Sales > Sales Order Utilities > Group Sales Orders > Group All Sales Orders

group all sales orders

Relevant sales orders for a selected debtor will be grouped under the oldest sales order



Sales Order Entry Sales Order Utilities   Group Sales Orders


Select the debtor account


Select relevant Status - Open or Processed


Click Go


Click Group All


Click Yes to the question

'Group all the selected orders to the order XXXXXX-DOX'


Click Process to complete the action answering Yes to the question 'Group orders as defined in the tree'

 To remove a sales order from being grouped, right click the sales order in the Grouped Orders pane and click 'Remove order xxxxxxx-DOx from the tree'

The header sales order has lines inserted and the History field for each line is updated with the text 'Moved from xxxxxx-D0x'  The sales orders that have had lines grouped to another sales order has the field History updated with 'Moved to xxxxxx-D0x'

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