You are here: Sales > Back Orders - Filling, Cancelling & Moving > Moving Back Orders

moving back orders to a new sales order


Back orders on an unprocessed snapshot can be moved to a new sales order using the Split Outstanding Amounts to Another Order option under Record Utilities.

 Back order for kit headers or components cannot be moved



Sales Order Entry Sales Order Entry and select sales order from search window


Record Utilities  Split Outstanding Amounts to Another Order


Message displays requesting confirmation of the move


Click Yes


New sales order is created and a message displays referencing the new sales order


Click as required


Process the sales orders as required

 Back order records are cancelled on the source sales order on saving, BUT are not created on the new sales order until the sales order is Processed UNLESS the invoice type is Active Order when the back order is created on save

The source sales order is updated with a new tab, SpLit Orders and the new sales order references back to the source order viaRecord Drill to Source Order

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