You are here: Sales > Back Orders - Filling, Cancelling & Moving > Cancelling Back Orders

cancelling back orders

Back order records on a Processed sales order can be cancelled at any time by:



Sales Order Entry  Sales Order Entry and select sales order from search window


Create a new snapshot by:

  • Record , New, New Snapshot
  • Shift + Ctrl + F2
  • click New Snapshot icon


Message displays "Is this snapshot to fulfill backorders?" 


Click No andDemand andBack Ordered columns are enabled


Reduce the back order quantity on back order OR enter the back orders being cancelled into the Demand  field.  The value in Demand represents the lost sale

 Quantity greater than the back ordered cannot be entered.  The value is adjusted back to the original back ordered quantity


Save change.  The fields are now disabled and no further changes can be made to those lines


Process the sales order as required


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