You are here: Reference Guide > Table Structures > Inventory > IN_Main



Records all the main details on inventory items stocked by the business used in sales and purchase orders to sell and buy stock.  This table also maintains the linking to the ledger accounts.


Inventory Inventory Maintenance

NAme Type Linked To/ Supplierd
InventoryID Text (20)  
LastSavedDateTime Date/Time  
PartNo Text (50)  
Description Text (200)  
Units Text (50)  
BinLocation Text (50)  
PhysicalItem Yes/No 0 = No; 1 = Yes
Discountable Yes/No 0 = No; 1 = Yes
TaxInc Yes/No 0 = No; 1 = Yes
DirectTax Number (Float)  
InventoryTaxID Text (20) TX_Tax.TaxID
Catagory1ID to5ID Text (20) IN_Category1.CategoryID to IN_Category5.CategoryID
ClassificationID Text (20) IN_Classification.ClassificationID
Status Number (Integer) 0 = Active;1 = Discontinued;2 = Deleted;3 = Slow;4 = Obsolete
DefaultPrice Number (Float)  
RRPPrice Number (Float)  
LCost Number (Float)  
SCost Number (Float)  
Type Number (Integer) 0 = Normal;1 = Weight;2 = Dollar
DecimalPlaces Number (Integer)  
MinimumGP Number (Float)  
Weight Number (Float)  
Cubic Number (Float)  
UseSerialNo Yes/No 0 = No; 1 = Yes
Aux1(Version) Text (50)  
Aux2 (UPC) Text (50)  
Aux3 (Details) Text (250)  
Aux4 (Image) Text (50)  
Aux5 Text (50)  
BackOrderable Yes/No 0 = No; 1 = Yes
DefInvSuppID Text (20) IN_Creditor.InvSuppID
LedgerInvValue Text (20) GL_Ledger.GLLedgerID
LedgerMovement_COG Text (20) GL_Ledger.GLLedgerID
LedgerExpAsset Text (20) GL_Ledger.GLLedgerID
LedgerExpLiab Text (20) GL_Ledger.GLLedgerID
LedgerDelAsset Text (20) GL_Ledger.GLLedgerID
LedgerDelLiab Text (20) GL_Ledger.GLLedgerID
SalesManCost Number (Float)  
LedgerAssignedValue Text (20) GL_Ledger.GLLedgerID
LedgerCogVariance Text (20) GL_Ledger.GLLedgerID
LedgerInvSales Text (20) GL_Ledger.GLLedgerID
LedgerInvTaxDB Text (20) GL_Ledger.GLLedgerID
LedgerAccumulator Text (20) GL_Ledger.GLLedgerID
LedgerPurchases Text (20) GL_Ledger.GLLedgerID
LedgerShipComplete Text (20) GL_Ledger.GLLedgerID
LedgerWriteOn Text (20) GL_Ledger.GLLedgerID
LedgerWriteOff Text (20) GL_Ledger.GLLedgerID
LedgerCostPriceAdj Text (20) GL_Ledger.GLLedgerID
PickAllocated Number (Float)  
ShipAllocated Number (Float)  
ForwardRequirements Number (Float)  
BOMObject Number (Integer) 0 = Normal;1 = Assembled;2 = Template;3 = Kit;4 = Kit (Tax Over-ride)
UseExpiryDate Yes/No 0 = No; 1 = Yes



0 = No; 1 = Yes
GSTInwardsID Text (20)  
GSTOutwardsID Text (20)  
GSTAdjustmentsINID Text (20)  
GSTAdjustmentsOUTID Text (20)  
SellPriceIncTax Yes/No 0 = No; 1 = Yes
ProductCode Text (50)  
StyleID Text (20) IN_Style.StyleID
ColourID Text (20) IN_Colours.ColourID
SizeID Text (20) IN_Size.SizeID
PartEncodeOrder Number (Integer)  
TypeStyle Yes/No 0 = No; 1 = Yes
MatrixDescription Text (200)  

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