You are here: Reference Guide > Table Structures > Inventory > IN_SOHAudit



This table provides an audit trail for inventory items. The table is updated by sales orders, assembly details, warehouse transfers, transfers, stock take adjustments, receival slips, receival adjustments and sales order adjustments.

Sales orders insert into the audit file twice. Source Type 1 (sales orders) and Source Type 10 (sales order adjustments) at data entry time and Source Type 11 at process time of sales orders.


Sales orders, receiving slips, stock transfer, warehouse transfers, Process Back Orders, stock takes, assemblies and Cost Price Updates

Name Type Linked To/Supplied
RecID char (36)  
SplitFromSOHID char (20)  
SplitToSOHID char (20)  
QuantitySplit decimal (19,6)  
StaffID char (20)  
SplitDateTime datetime  

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