You are here: Purchasing > Supplier Returns > Defining Forms > Header


Displays the summary information about the supplier return request.

Field Description
Request No This is updated when saving the supplier return request for the first time and numbering is maintained in the System Numbers form setting description RARequestNo
Creditor Select from the search window that is automatically displayed when creating a new return request
Return Code Field is populated with the Default return code and to change, select from the drop down list
Reference Type in a reference
Created By Jiwa user that saved the supplier return request
Date Populated with the current login date and can be changed until the form is activated
Returns Warehouse Defaults to the current warehouse. Only change if you want stock moved on activation to another warehouse. The shipping and credit warehouse must then be created in that warehouse.
Ship Number Shipments created from this Returns Request are displayed here
Date Date the supplier return shipping number was saved.
Status Status of the return shipping
Credit No. list the supplier return credit number.
Date Date the supplier return credit was saved.
Status Status of the supplier return credit.

Refer to the various tabs for more information.

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