You are here: Purchasing > Goods Received Notes > Goods Received Reports > REINF010 - Receival Slips Unvoiced

REINF010 - Receival Slips Unvoiced

Description: This report list receival slips that are yet to be invoiced. The invoice may have been created but it is yet to be activated. This report can also be used to support the Delivered Liability account.

Report Criteria Enter Required Values
Select First Grouping Physical Warehouse; Logical Warehouse; Supplier; Slip No.; Part No.; Part Description; None
Select Second Grouping Physical Warehouse; Logical Warehouse; Supplier; Slip No.; Part No.; Part Description; None
Select Report Style Detailed; Summarised
Select Starting and Ending Physical Warehouse Prompts to first and last warehouse
Select Starting and Ending Logical Warehouse Prompts to first and last warehouse
As At Date Defaults to the current login date

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