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Warehouse Inwards

Activating the inwards form transfers the stock from the In Transit warehouse. Any additional costs are posted at this stage. Ledger accounts for these costs are populated into the Outwards form from the System Configuration > Warehouse Transfers and can be edited in the transfer outwards form. The fields are disabled in the transfer inwards form.


  Ordered Ex GST Total
Part A - Physical 300.00
Part A - Physical - actual cost of stock transferred 365.00
Additional Costs 1 50.00
Additional Costs 2 45.00


Ledger Warehouse
Debit Credit
Expected Asset - Part A (Qty Ordered * Ex Price) - Reversal of purchase order   300.00
Expected Liability - Part A (Qty Ordered * Ex Price)- Reversal of purchase order 300.00  
Inventory Value - Part A (Qty Transferred * Cost of item) + additional costs - Receiving W/house 460.00  
Inventory Value - Part A (Qty Transferred * Cost of item) - In Transit W/House   365.00
Additional Costs 1     50.00
Additional Costs 2     45.00

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