You are here: Purchasing > Goods Received Notes > Journals from Goods Received Notes > Journals


The journal posting for receival slips are created when slip is saved. Any errors on the form must be corrected via other transactions - e.g. another receival slip, stock transfers, Supplier Return Credit etc. Where the slip is based on a purchase order, the purchase order journal transactions are reversed out at the purchase order price - i.e. Quantity Received (up to the Qty ordered) * Ordered Ex GST Unit Price

The cost of non-physical inventory items and non inventory items, total Freight, Duty and Insurance are not posted to the General Ledger until the Purchase Invoice is activated. GST amounts are also not posted until the invoice stage


GST Total
Ex GST Total
GST Total
Part A - Physical 300.00 500.00 50.00 550.00
Part B - Non Physical 600.00 600.00 60.00 660.00
Part C - Non Inventory 400.00 400.00 40.00 440.00
Freight   25.00 2.50 27.50
Totals 1,300.00 1,525.00 152.50 1,677.50


Ledger Warehouse
Debit Credit
Expected Asset - Part A (reversal of purchase order - Qty Received * Ex Price)   300.00
Expected Liability - Part A (reversal of purchase order - Qty Received * Ex Price) 300.00  
Delivered Asset - Part A 500.00  
Delivered Liability - Part A   500.00
Totals   800.00 800.00

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