You are here: Purchasing > Purchase Orders > Defining the Purchase Order Forms > Shipping Address

Shipping Address

Details in the Shipping Address tab are automatically populated into this tab from the Warehouse Maintenance record and are the address details for the current active warehouse - i.e. the warehouse the purchase order is being created in. These details print out on the purchase order report in the Deliver To: box of that report. Data in this tab can be edited - e.g. in the case of a specific order to be delivered directly to our customer.

Field Description
Address Line 1 to 4 Address details from the Warehouse Maintenance record
Country Country information where entered
Postcode Details from the Warehouse Maintenance record
Contact Name This data is to be entered in
Phone Details from the Warehouse Maintenance record
Fax Details from the Warehouse Maintenance record
Spare 1 to 5 Fields for any additional information to be entered

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