You are here: Purchasing > Purchase Orders > Defining Purchase Order Generation Form > Products


Setting your criteria and pressing Go populates the grid with physical inventory items and the suggested re-order quantity to satisfy requirements and to meet miniumum stock on levels if set. Remove lines not to be ordered, change quantities and prices as required. Save and activate the batch when complete. Load the purchase orders that have been created, review, adjust as required, save and activate each order.

NOTE: If the Include Default Suppliers Only is unticked, then an inventory item may appear many times in the grid, with a different creditor attached to each line. The creditors displayed are those listed in the Supply tab of the inventory record.

Field Description
Order No.  This field is populated when the form is activated and purchase orders created
Creditor Account No. Supplier for that inventory item
Creditor Name Supplier for that inventory item
Part No. Part number and its details to be reviewed
Description Detail associated with the part number
SOH Current stock on hand
Min SOH Minimum stock level set in the Figures tab of inventory records
On PO Outstanding orders currently in the system
On BO Back orders that exist in the system at the time of creating the batch
Sales Forecast Details fore casting information if its been entered
Purchases Last Year Purchases that were made in the previous 12 months
Sales Last Year Sales that were made in the previous 12 months
Unit Cost Current unit cost price from the Supply tab of the inventory records. If the creditor is an FX creditor, this price is FX Unit Cost * Currency Rate for the day for the rate attached to the creditor
FX Unit Cost FX current unit cost from the Supply tab of the inventory records
Suggested Quantity Depending on the order method selected, the amount displayed is what is suggested to re-order to satisfy all requirement
Order Quantity Adjust this value as required
Line Cost Ex GST line total
FX Line Cost FX line cost
Delivery Days Expected delivery days populated from the inventory record
Order Units Order units populated from the inventory record
Unit Cubic Information from the inventory record
Unit Weight Information from the inventory record
Line Cubic Total cubic measurement for the quantity being ordered
Line Weight Total weight for the quantity being ordered

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