You are here: Purchasing > Purchase Orders > Defining the Purchase Order Forms > Header


Header details show the status of the order, whether it has been emailed and displays the forms the stock has been receipted in on.

Field Description
Order No Automatically created on saving. Last number used is stored in System Numbers form - PurchaseOrderNo
Reference No. Manually entered in data. Can refer to an internal or external reference
Creditor Selected from the search window. The creditor MUST EXIST. If an incorrect supplier is selected, simply re-select from the search window by clicking the up arrow in the Creditor field before the form is saved for the first time. Once saved, the creditor selected cannot be changed
Creditor Warehouse

This lookup field will default to the default creditor warehouse when a creditor is selected. The user can change the warehouse only if:

  • The order is a creditor purchase order (i.e.: not a warehouse); and
  • The order has no lines
Workflow Automatically populated from the Creditor record, Credit tab. The method can be changed from the search window attached to that field. Options are:
  • Approval Based Workflow - requires each stage to be approved before the order can progress - e.g.
  • Simple Workflow - simple save and commit
  • Simple EDI Workflow - is used when EDI is setup to process and update purchase orders
  • EDI Workflow - EDI with approval required at each stage for the order to progress
Received on Slips Automatically updated with receival slip and Landed Cost book-in reference numbers when stock is receipted into stock
Order Date Field is automatically populated with the login date the purchase order is created. Can be edited as required
Last Modified Updated automatically with the system date of the last change of the order
From Field is automatically populated with the login name of the user who created the purchase order. Can the manually over-typed
Attention Selected from the list of Contacts for that creditor or can be manually entered
Contact By Creditor email address is populated into this field. Manually editing is permitted
Warehouse Data is populated automatically into this field and cannot be edited. Will display
  • Creditor - where the purchase order has been raised against a creditor
  • Warehouse details e.g. Main/NSW where the purchase order has been raised on another warehouse


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