You are here: Inventory > Stock Adjustments > Stock Transfers > To Another Part Number

To Another Part Number

Stock can be transferred from one part number to another - e.g. received against an incorrect part number, changing of stock codes etc providing the stock is still on hand.  Both part numbers are recorded in the transaction. The cost of the stock into the new part number is the cost of the stock being transferred and cannot be changed.

Only stock in the active warehouse will be available for transfer


1. Inventory Stock Transfer
2. New record
3. Type in a description of the transfer in the header section field Reference. Change the Reason from the default as needed
4. From Part No - select part from search window and then stock to transfer from the extended search window
5. Pin inventory lines to be transferred to the Current List and execute  
6. To Part No. - select part number from search window
7. Trans Quantity - type in the number being transferred
8. Comment - enter in details. Text here is displayed in the SOH tab when the transfer is activated
9. Reason - select from search window to change from the default
10. Repeat steps 4 to 9
11. Save and activate

Once the record has been activated, inventory stock on hand is updated. The record cannot be edited once it has been activated.  Create a new transfer record to correct any errors provided the stock is still on hand.


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