You are here: Debtors > Defining Debtors Maintenance > Credit


This tab displays the credit details, terms and additional company information.

Field Description
Trading Name The registered trading name
Company Name The registered company name
Proprietors Name The business owner
Date Commenced Field is populated with the login date when the record is created or imported and can be changed
ACN Australian Company Number
ABN Australian Business Number
Terms This field is populated from the Classification record attached to the account and can be changed in this tab
Days From This field is populated from the Classification record attached to the account and can be changed in this tab. Options are Invoice or Statement
Web Enabled Allows access for this customer to 3rd party web applications. Login details are stored in the Contact Names tab

Credit Details

Field Description
On Hold Period Roll-Over can put an account On Hold so that new sales orders cannot be saved for this customer unless system settings allow a save as a Reserve Order.
Credit Limit Insert the credit limit for the debtor.
Don't Age Transactions Tick to keep transactions in the current period
Web Enabled Allows access for this customer to 3rd party web applications. Login details are stored in the Contact Names tab


Director/Partner Enter in the relevant names
Address Enter in the address
Office Held Enter in the position held in the company


Field Description
Line No The number of the note allocated when first saved
Type Defaults to the default Credit Note type and can be changed from the list box
Last Modified Date The date and time the note was modified and saved.
Last Modify By The Jiwa user who added or modified the note.
Note Text Type in required text for the note.

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