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Invoicing system configuration

Settings in Invoicing manage the default settings when creating a new sales order, quote or sales order credit note.  

The important system settings in Invoicing are:

ID Key Default Description
DefaultInvoice Wholesale Default sales order type on creation of a new sales order.  The invoice type, under WST mode, determined the calculation of sales tax.  Under GST mode, the only use is to control sales order report printing.

InvoiceTypeDescription1 Tax Exclusive Editable description For Wholesale Invoice Type.
InvoiceTypeDescription2 Tax Inclusive Editable description For Retail Invoice Type.
AllowInvoiceTypeChange Yes Allow invoice type selection from list box on creation of a new sales order.  The invoice type cannot be changed once a sales order has been saved.
DefaultBillType Ship & Bill The billing type of the invoice determines when invoicing and deliveries occur.  Billing type can be changed at any time until the first snapshot has been processed.  Changing to Ship Complete will prompt: “Changing the Billing Type will automatically save the sales order.  Do you want to proceed?”For example Snapshot 2 – deliveries and invoice for 2,500
Snapshot 1 – no deliveries and no invoice
Ship CompleteSnapshot 2 - goods for 1,500 are delivered and customer is invoiced for 2,500
Snapshot – goods for 1,000 are delivered BUT customer is NOT invoiced
Bill CompleteSnapshot 2 - goods are delivered and customer is invoiced for 1,500
Snapshot – goods are delivered and customer is invoiced for 1,000
Ship & BillSnapshot 2 - $1,500
Snapshot 1 – $1,000

AllowBillingTypeChange Yes Allow billing type selection from list box
DefaultDocumentType Invoice Document type determines whether the sales order can be processed.  Only type Invoice can be processed.  A message will display when attempting to process an Order from the form – “Unable to process due to the following reason – Cannot process an order”  Orders do not appear in the list when processing from the menu.
DefaultBOMode Automatic Back order mode controls whether back orders are delivered on subsequent snapshots via Process Back Orders (automatic) or via manual creation of a snapshot (manual).  Manual back order mode can also be used to force stock onto back order where you don’t want to deliver stock.  Back order mode can then be set to Automatic if required.
BranchInvoicing No Facilitates branch/sales division selection on a sales order.  Branch/sales division details are set up in System, Branch Config.  Branch/sales division can be extended to the General Ledger where the BranchSegNo is set in Ledger.  Specific ledger details are also set in the Branch Config form.
UseInventorySalesLedgers Yes Where set to Yes, the sales value posts to the Sales ledger account  from the inventory record, OTHERWISE the sales value posts to the Debtor Sales ledger account  from the debtor record.
DefaultSalesPerson Yes Automatically attribute sales to the default staff member from the debtor record.  Another name can be selected from the search window attached to the field Staff.
UsePicking No Displays an additional column in the sales order grid that requires a box to be checked for each line with a delivery before the sales order is available for processing. 
DefaultQuantity 1 Default ordered quantity displayed on a sales order when adding a new part number to the grid.
AllowPricedOverride Yes Allow manual price over-rides on selling price.
AllowTaxRateOverrides Yes Permit tax rates to be changed.
Yes Generate Invoice numbers manually or automatically.  Where automatically generated, then a local Jiwa.xml setting permits more than one invoice numbering sequence to be operating
CheckForDuplicateOrderNos Yes Checks for duplicate order numbers for that debtor and displays an error  message. with the option to preview existing sales orders with the same (debtor) Order Number
DocketNumHeader D The prefix preceding each snapshot number – i.e. 0593-D01
CreditNoteHeader   Pre-fix, if required to indicate the form is a credit note – i.e. C059
AllowAlternateDescriptions Description field is editable Allows the inventory description to be manually edited or selected from a search window from data entered in the Other Descriptions field displayed in the Other tab of the inventory record.
AllowManualPartNoEntry Yes Opens the field Part No in the sales order grid for manual entry of part numbers.  An invalid part number will display the Inventory search window.
AllowNonInventoryItems Yes Permits the use of Non Inventory items.  These items are entered into a sales orders by left clicking the  icon and selecting from the drop down list - Insert-Non Inventory Item.
DefaultExpirySortOrder DateIn The default sort order for available serialised/ expiry date stock.  Single left click over the column titles in the serial number dialogue box sorts the data – ascending order
PostingDateType No This specific setting determines the posting date to the General Ledger and Debtors based on the field SO_History.RecordDate and works as follows:
  • Initiated Date - first snapshot, it is the date in the field Initiated Date. Snaphots greater than 1, it is the date that snapshot was created
  • Last Saved Date - the date the unprocessed snapshot was last modified and saved
  • Date Processed - the server date the sales order is processed
  • User Defined Date - controlled via breakouts

The Totals tab displays fields with the appropriate dates for each snapshot i.e. Date Created, Date Last Saved, Date Posted and Date Processed

AllowInitDateEdit Yes Permits the field Initiated to be edited.  May impact the updating to the ledger and debtors based on UpdateDateOnSave setting.
AllowOtherOverrides No Enable editing of additional fields in the sales order grid – e.g.   RRP, Units, Classification, Category 1, 2 and 3 and Weight.
MultiBackToBack Yes Single back to back sales order to create multiple back to back purchase orders.
AllowKitComponentOverride Yes Permit kit component quantities to be edited
LineLinks Contacts Additional field for selection on a sales order – either selected from a Jiwa table or user defined table
LinkSELECT   The SELECT Statement in the Contents cell when the LineLinks is set to UserDefined (Sample: SELECT RECID, Description FROM MY_Table
LinkTITLE   Column Header
LinkDESC   OrderBy FieldName
LinkKEY   OrderBy KeyName (i.e. Description)
LinkID   ID FieldName (i.e. RECID)
ComponentsForeColour 255,000,255 Colour of kit component lines on a sales orders (RED, GREEN, BLUE)
KitRoundingForceColour 000,200,000 Colour of line in sales orders with a kit rounding (RED,GREEN,BLUE)
NonInventoryForeColour 000,125,000 Colour of Non-Inventory lines in sales orders and quotes. (RED,GREEN,BLUE)
Yes Include Credit Notes where the stock was not credited back into inventory
SalesInfoIncludesTax Yes The Sales figures in the Debtors Maintenance and Inventory Maintenance Sales Tab are to include tax.
UseZeroCreditLimit No To apply a credit check and display a warning message on sales order saving, where the Limit in the Debtors, Credit tab = 0.00 e.g. Cash Sale Customer.
SalesInfoExcludesKits Exclude Headers Determines the value of kitted inventory items to be displayed as the Sales figures (Sales Tab in Debtors Maintenance and Inventory Maintenance)
No Permit the saving of a new sales order with a Doc Type of ‘Order’ when the debtor is on Hold
AddFreightToAllSnapshots No Add freight to be charged on all snapshots with deliveries – applies to the billing type Ship & Bill only
BatchGrouping Normal Determines how cash book receipt batches are created / appended to, when sales orders are processed with payment details entered in the Totals tab of the sales order – i.e. new batches created based on sales order warehouse or branch
PostTendered Yes Post amount tendered on sales order to debtors as a payment.
WarnWhenNoPayments No Display a message when there are no payments entered  in the Total tab of sales order.
  Message to display when no payments are recorded and system setting WarnWhenNoPayments = Yes
BuildPaymentReferenceFromDebtor Yes Insert banking details from the Debtor Maintenance - Financial Tab into Sales Order Total Tab when payments are entered in the Sales Order Total Tab.
Yes Include stock on back order when applying credit limit checks at sales order entry and saving stages.
KitForeColour 000,000,255 Colour of kit header line on a sales orders (RED, GREEN, BLUE)
PrintWhenSaving No Sales order reports to print automatically on saving.  The switch can be used in conjunction with a local setting in Jiwa.xml



ManualPrintSelection Yes Display printing selection window when saving
PrintInvoicesWithZeroQuantityDel No Print sales order reports where quantity delivered=0
EmailInvoicesWithZeroQuantityDel No Email sales order reports where quantity delivered=0
  The message that is displayed when permitting editing of printed unprocessed orders.  This switch is used in conjunction with the local Jiwa.xml setting:


No Sets the Initiated date of the invoice created from a quote using the Standard Orders Batch Processing form to be either the:
  • activated date;
  • otherwise date due for activation
DefaultQuoteExpiryDays 30 Automatic calculation of expiry days for a quote.
AllowQuoteOverrideMessage Yes Allow a message to display when a quote passes the expiry date when the sales order is created from within the Quoting module and not the Standing Orders Batch Processing.
AllowQuoteNumberOverride No Allow manually generated quote numbers
DefaultPriceUpdating No Update quote prices to current pricing on batch activation when converting quotes to sales orders.
ShowOnlyUsersDebtors No Restricts a user to creating and viewing sales orders for only those debtors where the user is attached as a Staff Member in the Main tab of the debtor record.
Minimum Quantity The default quantity when using the manual serial picking system.
ValidateABN No Provides for validation of the debtors ABN when creating the sales order.  Only a warning is displayed – the user can continue to enter data.
UseTaxExemption No Displays the Tax Exemption box populated with any data from the debtor record.  Any information in this field will recalculate the GST/VAT by applying the first 0.00 rate found in the Supplies tab of the Tax Maintenance form. 
CompensateTaxRounding Yes Adjust GST/VAT amounts to compensate for any rounding where line tax calculated does not equal the Total EX GST/VAT * the tax rate.  Any tax variation is written into the last line where tax is charged on saving the sales order.
PostNonPhysicalToCOGS No Post Non Physical Items To Inventory Value and COGS.
UseKitRoundingPart Yes Place Rounding differences on kits to the rounding part
KitRoundingPart   Inventory Item used to absorb Kit rounding.
AllowForwardOrders Yes Allow Order Type of Forward Order to be used
AllowActiveOrders Yes Allow Order Type of Active Order to be used
No When processing the sales order, post the Cartage3 (Freight2) to the Debtors Insurance Ledger (DB_Main2.D11)
UseDirectTaxIfSellPriceIncTax No Tax is direct tax only if the item is SellPriceIncTax.
DisplayProductUpsellPopup Yes Display the product up-sell popup when a product is selected that has up-sell products.
CustomTABCaption Custom This is the label for the custom tab on Sales Order Entry and Quotes.
DiscountPercentDecimalPlaces 2 The number of decimal places the discount percent should be stored in sales orders and quotes.
DefaultSplitOrders Yes When creating a new Sales Order Delivery Line Batch, the Split Orders setting defaults to this value.
Yes When creating a new Sales Order Delivery Line Batch, the custom setting AutomaticallyProcessThisInvoice is set to this value.
DefaultSplitBackOrders Yes When creating a new Sales Order Delivery Line Batch, the Split Back-Orders setting defaults to this value.
Yes The Find Stock function of Sales Orders will include sales orders where the Invoice has been printed.
Yes The Find Stock function of Sales Orders will include sales orders where the Delivery Docket has been printed
Yes The Find Stock function of Sales Orders will include sales orders where the Picking Sheet has been printed
Yes The Find Stock function of Sales Orders will include sales orders where the Packing Slip has been printed
FindStockIncludesPrintedOther Yes The Find Stock function of Sales Orders will include sales orders where the Other print document type has been printed
No Back Order Processing will set the AutomaticallyProcessThisInvoiceFlag to TRUE for sales orders where deliveries are made.
No Run sales order processing at the conclusion of backorder processing.
No Sales order processing, when run by backorder processing, only processes invoices flagged for processing by the AutomaticallyProcessThisInvoice setting.
No Allow Documents to be modified on closed sales orders.
No Allow Documents to be modified on processed sales orders.
No Allow Notes to be modified on processed sales orders.
No Allow Notes to be modified on closed sales orders.
No Copying a salesorder copies Notes over as well.
No Copying a salesorder copies Documents as well.
CopySalesQuoteincludesNotes No Copying a Sales Quote copies Notes as well.
No Copying a Sales Quote copies Document as well.
No Making Sales Order from quotes includes a Note.
No Making Sales Order from quote includes Documents.
No Sales Order processing when run by Back order processing only processes invoices which still have backorders
DisplayCustomerSalesHistoryPopUp Yes Display the history of product sales for the customer as a pop-up window on the sales order form.
DisplayProductUpsellPopupHistory Yes Display the history of sales for the selected product on the sales order form.
UseApplicationLocking No UseApplicationLocking
DoNotReadSOHLevels Yes Do not read SOH Levels
DoNotReadSupplierInfo Yes Do not read Supplier Information
CopySalesOrderToNewForm No Copy Sales order to a new instance of the form
AllowInvoiceEmailing Yes Allow Invoices to be emailed direct from the sales order form.
ShowHistoryStatus No Display the history status field on the sales order form.
DontApplyDebtorDiscounts No Suppress the discount prices with the debtor discount.
No Turn on to force the Sales Order Delivery Batch Processing form to not populate the ranges grid (may help in performance)
UsePaymentTypeBankAccounts No Use the bank account assigned to the payment type when processing sales order payments.  When OFF, the system uses the debtor configured bank account.
ApplyWarehouseMaskToBankAccounts No Mask the bank account for the payment with the warehouse mask when processing sales order payments.
No Warn when making a credit card payment if the payment total exceeds the order total.
StoredProcForSalesOrderExport usp_JIWA_Sales
Name of the stored procedure that is used for exporting Sales Orders.
SalesOrderMoneyDecimalPlaces 2 Number of decimal places for money values
StoredProcForSalesOrderExportWrite   Name of the stored procedure that is used for exporting Sales Orders - Write connection
PostZeroValueInvoiceToDebtors No Post zero value invoice transactions to debtors when processing sales orders.


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