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General information about the creditor including Trading Status.

Field Description
Account No An unique reference number for the Creditor or leave it blank and the system will use the next available  number from System Settings   System Numbers  CreditorNo
Name Creditor name to appear on purchase orders and invoices, cheques payments etc.
Phone No. Telephone number
Fax No. Fax number
Email E-mail or Efax address. This field is used to email purchase orders from the purchase order screen. It can also be used by PostCards to email or efax out purchase orders or cheque remittance advices
Alternate Account No. A reference account number that is mainly used for external reporting purposes, for example this could be used to record the account number the creditor has assigned to your company.
Classification For posting to the General Ledger and reporting and collating purposes, select the correct classification from the search window.  General Ledger account details are updated into the Financial Form Tab
Trading Status The status can either be Active or Inactive with a default being set in System Configuration Creditor tab. When creating a new record accept the default status or select from the drop down list to change.  Inactive status will not allow any transactions to be processed.

When saving a new creditors record, a creditor contact record is created automatically.  Double right mouse click to drill down to the contact record for the creditor.  

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