You are here: Creditors > Defining the Creditors Form > Credit


Displays the credit limit details and additional information about the creditor.

Field Description
Trading Name The Trading Name the supplier operates under
Company Name Legal name of the supplier
Proprietors Name Name of the owner of the company
ACN Australian Company Number
Commenced Date the company commenced operating
ABN Australian Business Number for the supplier. The format of the number is controlled by the ABN Format option in System Maintenance
Terms The number of days from either Invoice or Statement. The Due Date is automatically calculated based on these Terms when creating transactions
Days From Select Invoice or Statement
Credit Details On Hold - status on the account.  Can be automatically set by End of Period processing or checked or unchecked manually.  This setting has no effect on the creation of purchase invoices at this stage

- line of credit allowed by the supplier
Purchase Order Settings Select the default workflow method for purchase orders and invoices from the workflow list box  
Workflow Each creditor is now assigned a "Workflow" via their classification. This can be over-ridden on the creditor form or the purchase order.

Simple Workflow

EDI Workflow (status is updated by 3rd party EDI application)
Awaiting EDI Processing
Accepted with Updates
Simple EDI Workflow
Awaiting EDI Processing

Approval Based Workflow

Awaiting Order Approval (not available for selection to be added to a shipment or received in)
Sent (receival slip or shipment can be created)
Awaiting Invoicing Approval (cannot be invoiced)
Invoicing (purchase invoice or shipment invoice can be created)

Min Order Value Enter a minimum order value to be placed for this creditor
Max. Order Value Enter a maximum order value to be place for this creditor

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