You are here: Creditors > Purchases, Payments & Adjustments > Payments > Activating Cheque Payments

Activating Cheque Payments 


Activating the form automatically allocates the payment against the invoice in the creditor transaction file and updates the general ledger records.


Creditor Payments Cheque Payments 


Click the and select the payment batch from the search window


Enter the starting cheque number if the payment is by checque .

Tick the box one cheque where multiple payments are being processed for a creditor, and only one cheque for the total amount being paid is required.

Double right mouse click on the discounted amount to pay the invoice in full or type in the value to be paid.

Click to save the batch.

Click Record Activate .


System settings control whether the journal set posting the transaction to the ledger will be displayed to allow over-rides.  The total amount of the journal set cannot be adjusted, only data lines change to disburse the transaction.  (Refer:Using the General Ledger, External Journals )


The status of appears on the payments form and the Activated Date field is completed with the date changes were last made.  The History field is updated for cheque payments only with the activated date and the relevant cheque number.  


Print remittance advices and cheques.

Once a payment form has been activated, the details cannot be edited.   To correct mistakes e.g. incorrect amount entered, wrong creditor account selected, cancelled cheques etc, use the debit or credit note functions as appropriate.  Refer:Adjusting Creditor Accounts).

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