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Transactions - Grid

The values in the Bank Sub-To field are what is posted to the Bank Ledger and are used when reconciling the bank in the Bank Reconciliation form.

Field Description
Bank Sub Total The values in this column are what are posted to the Bank Account when the form is activated. Generally there will be one figure for each payment line to represent the payments made for that day, week or period with sub-totalling being done on the Remit No. field.  This sub-totalling can be changed with a single left click in the required cell in the column so long as Auto Sub-Total the Bank is un-ticked
Date Date of the transaction.  Defaults to logon date.  Dates can be different days but must be within the same General Ledger period
Due Date Populates a date calculated on the date of the transaction plus the Terms for the customer
Remit No. Reference for the transaction.  If the tick box Suggest Remit No. is ticked, this field is populated with the batch and line number on saving
Debtor/Creditor Debtor or creditor name that is selected from the relevant search window.  Entering in a valid debtor or creditor account resolves the record
Trans Type Automatically populated with Receipt for a creditor and Invoice for a debtor
Home Amount Local currency value
FX Currency Not implemented at this stage
FX Currency Rate Automatically populated with the rate of 1.000000 and cannot be changed at this stage.  Foreign Exchange for FX Debtors and Creditors will be implemented at a later date
FX Amount Local currency value.  Foreign Exchange for FX Debtors and Creditors will be implemented at a later date
Home Alloc Amount allocated in local currency
FX Alloc Amount allocated – local currency * 1.000000.  Foreign Exchange for FX Debtors and Creditors will be implemented at a later date
GST Code Transactions for a debtor or a direct entry to a ledger code are automatically populated with the default GST code from GST Inwards
GST Rate Transactions for a debtor or a direct entry to a ledger code are automatically populated with the default GST code from GST Inwards
GST Amount

Value calculated on the GST rate for debtor and direct entries.  The value can be edited.

Changing the value can cause errors in the BAS report

Ledger Account Populated with the control account for Debtors and Creditors and cannot be changed.  Field is only editable for direct entries to the ledger
Reference Enter in relevant details.  This data is populated into the debtor or creditor Transaction tab Reference field
Remark Enter in relevant details.  This data is populated into the debtor or creditor Transaction tab Remark field
Discount Taken Applicable to creditor transactions only.  Represents a discount taken for early payment
Discount Alloc Displays the amount of the discount taken that has been allocated to invoices.  Allocations can be done in the Cashbook or in the creditor record once the form has been allocated
FX Discount Alloc Discount allocation in foreign currency value – local currency * 1.000000.  Foreign Exchange for FX Debtors and Creditors will be implemented at a later date
FX Discount Taken Applicable to creditor transactions only.  Represents a discount taken for early payment in foreign currency value – local currency * 1.000000.  Foreign Exchange for FX Debtors and Creditors will be implemented at a later date
Discount GST Code Field is automatically populated with the default GST code from GST Ajustments Inwards
Discount GST Rate Field is automatically populated with the GST rate attached to the code from GST Adjustments Inwards
Discount GST Amount

GST calculated according to the rate.  The value can be edited.

 Changing the value can cause errors in the BAS report

Discount Ledger Ledger account populated from the creditor record – Financials, Ledger tab, field Creditor Discounts.  Another account can be selected from the search window
Payment Type Field is used to sub-total values in the report attached to the form.  Options are setup in Debtors Control Maintenance Maintain Payment Types
Approval Details any approval number from credit card payments
Bank Name Creditors bank name populated from the creditor record, Financials General tab
Account No. Creditors bank account number populated from the creditor record, Financials General tab
Account Name Creditors bank account name populated from the creditor record, Financials General tab
Update Bank Details Tick to update the creditor record with any changes to the bank details
Job No Select from search window. Field is only enabled for payments direct to a General Ledger account
Job Description Description attached to the job
Job Charge Amount Charge amount applicable to the payment.  Defaults to the Ex GST value of the payment


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