You are here: Cashbook > Bank Reconciliation > Defining Bank Reconciliation Form > Transactions


Unreconciled transactions are populated into the grid according to the date of the reconciliation when the form is first loaded.  Direct entries and opening transactions can also be entered into the form and transactions are reconciled or cleared as required by ticking the Status box against each transaction.

Field Description
Line No System generated transaction line number.  Field can be used for sorting.  Data is loaded into the grid in date/time order

        Transaction is yet to be reconciled or cleared

       Transaction has been reconciled

       Transaction is Cleared – i.e. does not impact the bank reconciliation.  Is used where incorrect transactions have been posted and corrected or for the Opening Ledger balance

Type Displays the transaction type.  Options are:
  • GL Transaction – transactions that have been entered into Jiwa and populated into the grid when the bank reconciliation was created
  • Direct GL Transaction – a transaction not yet entered into Jiwa and is to be posted directly to a ledger account – e.g. bank fees and charges
  • Direct Debtor Receipt – monies received from a debtor not yet entered into Jiwa but has been processed through the bank
  • Direct Debtor Payment – monies paid to a debtor not yet entered into Jiwa but has been processed through the bank
  • Direct Creditor Receipt - monies received from a creditor not yet entered into Jiwa but has been processed through the bank
  • Direct Creditor Payment - monies paid to a creditor not yet entered into Jiwa but has been processed through the bank
  • Opening Balance Transaction – unpresented cheques and outstanding deposits that are included in the Opening Ledger Balance value but yet to appear in the bank statement.  Used for reconciling purposes only
Date Populated with the transaction date or if entered as a Direct defaults to the bank statement date.  Field can be edited if transaction is a Direct and all Directs must be within the same General Ledger period
Reference Details attached to a GL Transaction or manually entered details for a Direct or Opening transaction
Debit Debit value of the transaction
Credit Credit value of the transaction
Amount Reconciled Reconciled value of the transaction.  This value should only be edited if the value in Jiwa does not agree with the value posted through the bank e.g. on transaction posted in Jiwa represented by many cheques
Remark Details attached to a GL Transaction or manually entered details for a Direct or Opening transaction

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